About Us

About Us

LegalSight, a full service legal team situated in the city of Mumbai, India, practising in all aspects of litigation and non-litigation matters mainly into property law, construction law, corporate law contracts,contract conditions, commercial transactions, arbitration, partnership, information technology, cyber laws, intellectual property, advising on the implications of the Criminal Laws and all aspect of general litigation amongst other matters.

The team possesses well proven expertise in handling complex transactions and are constantly aiming at optimum results operating on an international time frame. LegalSight team also specialises in in-depth legal research; drafting or vetting of documents touching Porpety law, contract condition, ventures, for all industries; strategic planning; negotiating for and behalf of client; also liasioning with government officials. LegalSight specializes in cases arising out of personal laws. Also specializes on issues pertaining to divorce laws and matrimonial dispute resolution with regards conflict of laws and issues arising out of private international laws.

LegalSight believes in providing qualitative legal services strictly in accordance with conforming to the highest values of ethics and integrity associated with this noble profession. We strive to achieve a high precedent for providing personalized and accessible legal services to all of our clients since Client satisfaction has always been paramount when considering the philosophy and work culture of the Legal Sight

LegalSight offers their clients the most comprehensive 24-hour, 365 days a year service in the world. The team ensures that their client is best advised on every possible aspect of Law.